5151 McCrimmon Pkwy
Morrisville, NC 27560
Toll-free: 800-575-4224
Business: 919-466-3300
Fax: 919-466-3405
E-mail: services@aaipharma.com
Web Site: www.aaipharma.com
Contact: Kevin Harrington
2275 Research Blvd Ste 700
Rockville, MD 20850
Business: 240-238-4900
Fax: 240-238-4901
E-mail: nzemo@accelovance.com
Web Site: www.accelovance.com
Contact: Nicholas P. Zemo
6161 Dr Martin Luther King Jr St N Ste 205
St Petersburg, FL 33703
Business: 727-521-9200
Fax: 727-521-9204
E-mail: cbussey@adventcrc.com
Web Site: www.adventcrc.com
Contact: Carlos A. Bussey
One Ivybrook Blvd Bldg 100
Ivyland, PA 18974
Business: 215-347-1100
Fax: 215-347-1110
E-mail: info@alliancehealthinfo.com
Web Site: www.alliancehealthinfo.com
Contact: Mary Anne Greenberg
2500 Einstein
Quebec, QC G1P 0A2 CANADA
Business: 418-527-4000
Fax: 418-527-3456
Web Site: www.pharmanet.com
Contact: Erik LeBlanc
(formerly Amerigraphx Healthcare)
624 E Park Ave, PO Box 7122
Libertyville, IL 60048
Business: 847-362-5656
Fax: 847-362-7788
E-mail: jclausing@axmarketing.com
Web Site: www.axmarketing.com/patientrecruitment
Contact: Jeffrey Clausing
2701 Kent Ave
West Lafayette, IN 47906
Toll-free: 800-845-4246
Business: 765-463-4527
Fax: 765-497-1102
E-mail: basi@bioanalytical.com
Web Site: www.bioanalytical.com
Contact: Janna Chambers
320 Needham St Ste 150
Newton, MA 02464
Business: 617-630-4477
Fax: 617-630-5090
E-mail: info@bbkworldwide.com
Web Site: www.bbkworldwide.com
Contact: Elizabeth Gargill
70 Church St
Flemington, NJ 08822
Business: 908-788-1729
Fax: 908-788-5281
E-mail: dand@beardsworth.com
Web Site: www.beardsworth.com
Contact: Dan P. Diaz
712-750 W Broadway
Vancouver, BC V5Z 1H3 CANADA
Business: 604-639-2608
Fax: 604-630-5108
E-mail: crathlef@cantest.com
Web Site: www.cantestclinical.com
Contact: Chad Rathlef
10 Corporate Dr Ste 101
Bedford, NH 03110
Business: 603-472-8400
Fax: 603-472-8411
E-mail: certusintl@certusintl.com
Web Site: www.certusinc.com
Contact: Deidra Aten
2000 Regency Pkwy Ste 295
Cary, NC 27518-8581
Toll-free: 866-449-0752
Fax: 701-239-4955
E-mail: info@cetero.com
Web Site: www.cetero.com
Contact: John Capicchioni
2111 Palomar Airport Rd Ste 200
Carlsbad, CA 92011
Toll-free: 888-244-5838
Business: 760-707-5025
Fax: 760-707-5022
E-mail: robin.chapman@chiltern.com
Web Site: www.chiltern.com
Contact: Robin Chapman
1075 Cheshire Circle
Danville, CA 94506
Business: 925-648-1510
Fax: 925-648-1520
E-mail: info@clinfosource.com
Web Site: www.clinfosource.com
Contact: Ranga Nathan
423 W 55th St 4th Flr
New York, NY 10019
Business: 646-215-6400
Fax: 646-215-6401
E-mail: info@clinilabs.com
Web Site: www.clinilabs.com
Contact: Jeanine Estrada
1180 Welsh Rd Ste 130
North Wales, PA 19454-2053
Business: 215-855-9054
Fax: 215-855-9053
Web Site: www.clinlogix.com
Contact: Michelle Sacher
Lady Bay House Meadow Grove
Business: 44-115-955-7333
Fax: 44-115-955-7555
E-mail: info@clinphone.com
Web Site: www.clinphone.com
1828 L St NW Ste 250
Washington, DC 20036
Business: 202-448-6150
Fax: 202-448-6188
E-mail: sbrink@consentsolutions.com
Web Site: www.consentsolutions.com
Contact: Susan Brink
2605 Meridian Pkwy
Durham, NC 27713
Business: 919-544-8500
Fax: 919-544-7507
E-mail: info@constellagroup.com
Web Site: www.constellagroup.com
Contact: Sam Whitwham
332 Santa Fe Dr Ste 110
Encinitas, CA 92024
Business: 760-943-6700
Fax: 760-632-4292
E-mail: fawad@coreorthopaedic.com
Web Site: www.coreorthopaedic.com
Contact: Farouk A. Awad
210 Carnegie Center Dr
Princeton, NJ 08540
Toll-free: 888-COVANCE
Fax: 609-452-9854
E-mail: info@covance.com
Web Site: www.covance.com
3 Todd Campus West of Scotland Science Park
Business: 44-141-946-7888
Fax: 44-141-946-1324
E-mail: cps@cpsresearch.co.uk
Web Site: www.cpsresearch.co.uk
Contact: Tom McCulloch
358 Broadway Ste 201
Saratoga Springs, NY 12866
Business: 518-583-0095
Fax: 518-583-0394
E-mail: rkschnel@criteriuminc.com
Web Site: www.criteriuminc.com
Contact: Ronny Schnel
D Anderson & Co
3100 McKinnon St Ste 100
Dallas, TX 75201
Toll-free: 800-451-0322
Business: 469-916-8600
Fax: 469-916-8205
E-mail: dberger@dandersoncompany.com
Web Site: www.dandersoncompany.com
Contact: David Berger
56/56A Thompson St PO Box 220 (2046)
Sydney, Drummoyne 2047 NSW AUSTRALIA
Business: 61-2-9719-2800
Fax: 61-2-9719-2811
E-mail: helenallars+@datapharm.com.au
Web Site: www.datapharmaustralia.com
Contact: Helen Allars
The Barn Old Basing
Basingstoke, RG24 8AE UNITED KINGDOM
Business: 44-1256-314640
Fax: 44-1256-314640
E-mail: admin@datatech.org.uk
Web Site: www.datatech.org.uk
Contact: Sue Spice
Hansaring 102-104
Cologne, 50670 GERMANY
Business: 49-221-9128710
Fax: 49-221-9128711
E-mail: woe@oandp-cro.com
Web Site: www.oandp-cro.com
Contact: Wolfgang Oestreich
3050 Regent Blvd Ste 400
Irving, TX 75063
Business: 215-674-2212
Fax: 215-674-0157
E-mail: jcorcoran@emsinet.com
Web Site: www.emsinet.com
Contact: John Corcoran
One Glenhardie Coporate Center 1275 Drummers Lane Ste 100
Wayne, PA 19087
Business: 610-975-9533
Fax: 610-975-9556
E-mail: bd@encorium.com
Web Site: www.encorium.com
625 Ridge Pike E 402
Conshohocken, PA 19428
Business: 610-832-2100
Fax: 610-832-220
E-mail: lconverse@epharmasolutions.com
Web Site: www.epharmasolutions.com
Contact: Lance Converse
1325 Tri-State Pkwy Ste 300
Gurnee, IL 60031
Toll-free: 888-287-2722
Business: 847-855-7676
Fax: 847-855-9676
E-mail: kkelley@essentialgroupinc.com
Web Site: www.essentialgroupinc.com
Contact: Kristin Kelley
1255 Transcanada Hwy Ste 310
Dorval (Montreal), QC H9P 2V4 CANADA
Toll-free: 866-ethica1
Business: 514-421-0442
Fax: 514-421-1142
E-mail: jparente@ethicaclinical.ca
Web Site: www.ethicaclinical.ca
Contact: Janice E. Parente
4970 El Camino Real Ste 250
Los Altos, CA 94022
Business: 650-605-4477
Fax: 650-605-4499
E-mail: anna.ravdel@evidence.cpr.com
Web Site: www.evidence-cpr.com
Contact: Anna Ravdel
Central Middlesex Hospital Acton Lane Park Royal
Business: 44-020-8961-4130
Fax: 44-020-8961-8665
E-mail: hmr@hmrlondon.com
Web Site: www.hmrlondon.com
4113 Rounding Bend Lane
Wilmington, NC 28412
Business: 910-799-8293
Fax: 910-401-1729
E-mail: info@lanihashimoto.com
Web Site: www.lanihashimoto.com
6088 Main St, PO Box 138
Miamiville, OH 45147
Toll-free: 800-785-2693
Business: 513-831-3114
Fax: 513-831-1217
E-mail: info@hill-top.com
Web Site: www.hill-top.com
Contact: Bryan Reynolds
Burg van Erpstraat 4, PO Box 1
Bergham, 5350 AA NETHERLANDS
Business: 31-412-407070
Fax: 31-412-403054
E-mail: info@imrotramarko.com
Web Site: www.imrotramarko.com
Contact: Anton Bonefaas, Ron van Gent
15915 Katy Fwy Ste 100
Houston, TX 77094
Toll-free: 800-797-8287
Business: 281-829-1110
Fax: 281-829-1515
E-mail: info@inventivclinical.com
Web Site: www.inventivclinical.com
Contact: Steve Cottrell
6001 Montrose Rd Ste 920
Rockville, MD 20852
Business: 301-770-2730
Fax: 301-770-4183
E-mail: kai@kai-research.com
Web Site: www.kai-research.com
Contact: Selma Kunitz
1200 Carew Tower, 441 Vine St
Cincinnati, OH 45202
Toll-free: 800-733-1572
Business: 513-381-5550
Fax: 513-381-5870
E-mail: moehring.doug@kendle.com
Web Site: www.kendle.com
Contact: Doug Moehring
255 Queens Ave Ste 1440
London, ON N6A 5R8 CANADA
Business: 519-438-9374
Fax: 519-438-8314
E-mail: admin@kgksynergize.com
Web Site: www.kgksynergize.com
Contact: Kristen Reynolds
Moskauer Strasse 25
Dusseldorf, D-40227 GERMANY
Business: 49-211-977-933
Fax: 49-211-977-9351
E-mail: contact@marco-institut.de
Web Site: www.marco-institut.de
Contact: Sylvia Hoernlein
One Concorde Gate 4th Flr
Toronto, ON M3C 3N6 CANADA
Business: 416-429-6172
Fax: 416-429-2745
E-mail: dpolygenis@phase4health.com
Web Site: www.mckesson.ca
Contact: Dimitris Polygenis
2200 Renaissance Blvd Ste 400
King of Prussia, PA 19406-2755
Toll-free: 800-554-0502
Business: 610-239-7900
E-mail: info.mdsps@mdsps.com
Web Site: www.mdsps.com
Contact: Charlene Ann McGrady
100 N Brand Blvd Ste 306
Glendale, CA 91203
Toll-free: 800-507-5277
Business: 818-552-2036
E-mail: recruit@medexecintl.com
Web Site: www.medexecintl.com
1014 W 9th Ave
King of Prussia, PA 19406
Toll-free: 866-879-6810
Business: 484-674-6800
Fax: 484-337-4233
E-mail: bdickson@medicigroup.com
Web Site: www.patientrecruitment.com
Contact: Beth Dickson
2600 Tower Oaks Blvd Ste 200
Rockville, MD 20852
Business: 301-984-7191
Fax: 301-984-7195
E-mail: jtroil@mmgct.com
Web Site: www.wegetpatients.com
Contact: Jamie Troil
Mechelsesteenweg 455 B5
Kraainem, 1030 BELGIUM
Business: 32-2-768-01-66
Fax: 32-2-767-81-35
E-mail: psmet@msource-cro.com
Web Site: www.msource-cro.com
Contact: Piet Smet
Pawinskiego 5
Warsaw, 02-106 POLAND
Business: 48-22-668-5517
Fax: 48-22-668-5561
E-mail: mtz-clinical@mtz-clinical.pl
Web Site: www.mtz-clinical.pl
Contact: T. Brodniewicz
3232 N Elston Ave
Chicago, IL 60618
Toll-free: 888-633-3693
Business: 773-628-0404
Fax: 773-628-1495
E-mail: info@needmydoctor.com
Web Site: www.needmydoctor.com
Contact: Joseph Sameh
9685 Research Dr
Irvine, CA 92618
Toll-free: 800-6-PARAGON
Business: 949-224-2800
Fax: 949-224-2811
E-mail: marketing@parabio.com
Web Site: www.parabio.com
Contact: Lisa VanStaaveren
6207 Bee Caves Rd Ste 288
Austin, TX 78746
Business: 512-345-7788
Fax: 775-258-0231
E-mail: lance@tprausa.com
Web Site: www.patientrecruiting.com
Contact: Lance Nickens
Landsberger Strasse 408
Munich, 81241 GERMANY
Business: 49-89-9999-77-33
Fax: 49-89-9999-77-44
E-mail: kurt.pfister@pfc-cro.com
Web Site: www.pfc-cro.com
Contact: Kurt Pfister
450 N Sam Houston Pkwy Ste 250
Houston, TX 77060
Business: 713-559-7900
Fax: 713-559-7901
E-mail: info@pharm-olam.com
Web Site: www.pharm-olam.com
Contact: Iain Gordon
3 Melamed St
Yehud, 56206 ISRAEL
Business: 972-3-536-06-23
Fax: 972-3-506-812-497
E-mail: ran.frenkel@pfc-cro.com
Web Site: www.pfc-cro.com
Contact: Ran Frenkel
504 Carnegie Center
Princeton, NJ 08540-6242
Business: 609-951-6755
Fax: 609-720-5568
E-mail: amalavsky@pharmanet.com
Web Site: www.pharmanet.com
Contact: Andy Malavsky
8517 Excelsior Dr Ste 111
Madison, WI 53717
Business: 608-662-4177
Fax: 608-662-4176
E-mail: dmanak@pharmaseek.com
Web Site: www.pharmaseek.com
Contact: Dan Manak
3232 N Elston Ave
Chicago, IL 60618
Toll-free: 800-882-7943
Business: 773-628-0415
Fax: 773-628-1695
E-mail: info@phonescreen.com
Web Site: www.phonescreen.com
Contact: Joseph Sameh
12120 Sunset Hills Rd Ste 600
Reston, VA 20190
Business: 703-464-6300
Fax: 703-464-6301
E-mail: endpoints@praintl.com
Web Site: www.prainternational.com
Contact: John Lewis
5141 Virginia Way
Brentwood, TN 37027
Business: 615-312-8207
Fax: 615-312-8208
E-mail: info@gopraxis.com
Web Site: www.gopraxis.com
Contact: T. Hephner
Weingasse 14
Deidesheim, 67146 GERMANY
Business: 49-63269 675747
Fax: 49-6326-9675749
E-mail: rmoore@progenitorint.com
Web Site: www.progenitorinternational.com
Contact: Renee E. Moore
580 N Fourth St Ste 270
Columbus, OH 43215
Toll-free: 800-906-6565
Business: 614-324-1500
Fax: 614-324-0683
E-mail: azupnick@procro.com
Web Site: www.procro.com
Contact: Andrew Zupnick
19/21 Dostoyevsky St
St Petersburg, 191119 RUSSIAN FEDERATION
Business: 7-812-320-3820
Fax: 7-812-320-3850
E-mail: the@psi-cro.com
Web Site: www.psi-cro.com
Contact: Olga Alfonsova
L3 88 Jephson St
Toowong, Queensland 4066 AUSTRALIA
Business: 61-07-3331-3955
Fax: 61-07-3870-9101
E-mail: info@qctn.com.au
Web Site: www.qctn.com.au
Contact: Mario Pennisi
4709 Creekstone Dr #200
Durham, NC 27703
Business: 919-998-2000
Fax: 919-998-2571
E-mail: qtrn.information@quintiles.com
Web Site: www.quintiles.com
Contact: Paul Spreen
1120 112th Ave NE Ste 480
Bellevue, WA 98004
Business: 425-468-6200
Fax: 425-468-6245
E-mail: info@radiantresearch.com
Web Site: www.radiantresearch.com
Contact: Julie McHugh
1301 S MoPac Expy Ste 50
Austin, TX 78746
Business: 512-343-1092
Fax: 512-343-1684
E-mail: slattatori@researchpoint.com
Web Site: www.researchpoint.com
Contact: Stella Lattatori
Merthyr Tydfil Ind Park, Cardiff Rd
Merthyr Tydfil, South Wales CF48 4DR UNITED KINGDOM
Business: 44-1443-690977
Fax: 44-1443-692499
E-mail: alan.woodward@simbec.co.uk
Web Site: www.simbec.co.uk
Contact: Alan J. Woodward
575 Market St 17th Flr
San Francisco, CA 94105
Business: 415-817-8900
Fax: 415-817-8960
E-mail: natalie.cummins@synarc.com
Web Site: www.synarc.com
Contact: Natalie A. Cummins
22 Thomson Place
Boston, MA 02210
Business: 617-856-5900
Fax: 617-856-5901
E-mail: cwmarketing@thomson.com
Web Site: www.centerwatch.com
68 Winterhill Rd, PO Box 252
Madison, CT 06443
Business: 203-214-7247
Fax: 203-421-7948
E-mail: mark.bergander@ttlclinical.com
Web Site: www.ttlclinical.com
Contact: Mark J. Bergander
7501 Wisconsin Ave Ste 705
Bethesda, MD 20814
Business: 240-644-0420
Fax: 240-644-0421
E-mail: info@unitedbiosource.com
Web Site: www.unitedbiosource.com
Contact: Patrick Lindsay
Tecentriq Falls Short in Phase III Trial in Post-Surgery Triple-Negative Breast Cancer Patients
February 6th 2025In the ALEXANDRA/IMpassion030 trial, Tecentriq (atezolizumab) added to postoperative chemotherapy was not found to improve treatment outcomes for patients with high-risk early-stage triple-negative breast cancer.
Reaching Diverse Patient Populations With Personalized Treatment Methods
January 20th 2025Daejin Abidoye, head of solid tumors, oncology development, AbbVie, discusses a number of topics around diversity in clinical research including industry’s greatest challenges in reaching diverse patient populations, personalized treatment methods, recruitment strategies, and more.