The emergence of AI-powered simulants in improving study efficiency.
Automating process can reduce time and resources lost from using manual steps and allows stakeholders to maintain compliance.
Now that the industry has gotten some experience with CDISC standards, teams are aiming to get more from their standardization efforts.
Laboratory services organization focuses on easing patient and site burden with improved collection device.
New and renewed approaches to improve chances of success in developing non-addictive drugs for chronic pain.
Exploring their unique opportunity in increasing study enrollment levels.
While Case Report Forms are a main contributor to collected data, non-CRF data such as core laboratory data and central imaging can be critical to any clinical study.
Despite repeated calls from the FDA, patient advocates, and scholars for the need to address demographic disparities in clinical research, White participants still remain overrepresented while racial minority participants remain underrepresented in clinical trials.
First-of-its-kind consortium dedicated to accelerating new medicines development through optimizing patient advocacy group—industry collaboration.
eTMF-blockchain technology offers a myriad of application benefits to data quality and integrity while ensuring compliance to ethical standards.
Industry now leveraging reporting system to empower patients and improve research.
Tufts Center for the Study of Drug Development and Biogen recently conducted a study to inform growing interest in improving diversity of clinical trial participation. The results of this research provide insights into increasing the community of minority investigators and study staff and presenting greater access to clinical trials among minority study volunteers.