Medidata Solutions Launches Online Developer Community to Foster Collaborative Innovation


Company News Release

Medidata Solutions, a provider of clinical trial solutions, today announced the launch of Medidata Developer Central, a Web-based community that supports developers? efforts to integrate their clinical trial solutions with Medidata Rave, an electronic data capture (EDC), clinical data management (CDM), and reporting system.

Medidata Developer Central Supports Developers Using the Medidata Rave Web Services API
to Independently Build New Integrations with the Medidata Rave Platform

NEW YORK, N.Y. – October 27, 2008 – Medidata Solutions, a leading provider of clinical trial solutions, today announced the launch of Medidata Developer Central, a Web-based community that supports developers’ efforts to integrate their clinical trial solutions with Medidata Rave®, an industry-leading electronic data capture (EDC), clinical data management (CDM) and reporting system. This unique online venue provides a collaborative environment where innovative technology and service providers, as well as sponsors, can gain expertise to integrate solutions – such as interactive voice response (IVR), electronic patient reported outcomes (ePRO) and clinical trial management tools – with Medidata Rave. Developer Central simplifies the development path and makes it easy for sponsors of clinical research to extend Rave’s core platform capabilities to maximize the value of their current and future technology investments.
The launch of Medidata Developer Central extends the support of Medidata’s Rave Web Services API, which Medidata made available in June to enable independent, rapid and cost-effective integrations so that customers can enjoy a seamless eClinical environment with real-time, inbound and outbound data sharing using industry standards. Medidata Rave offers industry-leading clinical systems interoperability with its standards-based design – a design that has exclusively earned Rave CDISC certification for all eight operational data model (ODM) use cases.
Medidata created Developer Central in response to the growing demand from technology providers and contract research organizations (CROs) to integrate other technology solutions with Medidata Rave. Developer Central also addresses the industry’s rising number of IT developers relying on Web-based tools and online communities for their software development. A number of developers from clinical technology providers have already joined Medidata Developer Central as pilot members, including individuals from the following innovative companies:

  • Arrowhead Electronic Healthcare, LLC, an eDiary solutions provider;
  • CRF Inc., a provider of eDiary and wireless data collection solutions;
  • d-Wise Technologies, a clinical warehousing solutions specialist;
  • Exco InTouch, a provider of interactive solutions for patient recruitment, retention, compliance and ePRO;
  • Logos Technologies, a provider of early Phase proactive EDC and Phase I site automation tools;
  • PHT Corporation, a provider of global ePRO products and services; and
  • t+ Clinical, a mobile phone based ePRO and secured messaging solutions provider.

    “Medidata Developer Central is a visionary program within the clinical trials space that nurtures a growing community of innovative developers committed to seamless data sharing across sponsors’ clinical systems,” said Phil Lee, President and CEO of PHT. “Using the Rave Web Services API, our developers quickly integrated PHT’s LogPad® System with Rave and are now able to leverage Medidata Developer Central’s community and resources to further enhance the solution.”
    With Developer Central and the Rave API, Medidata further invests in bringing the efficiencies of electronic management across the clinical trial process by enabling rapid integrations for data sharing between Medidata Rave and other systems. As members of Developer Central, developers have access to the Medidata Rave Web Services API along with supporting resources that include:
    ·        Documentation for the Medidata Rave Web Services API, including user guides, sample code and a testing environment;
    ·        A community forum in which members can network, post questions and contribute and exchange best practices with other developers; and
    ·        Efficient access to internal Medidata resources, including developers and product managers.
    “We have strived to make Rave the most interoperable platform in the industry and to foster real-time data sharing across clinical systems. Launching Medidata Developer Central was an answer to the strong demand of technology developers to leverage Rave’s powerful clinical data management capabilities,” said Glen de Vries, President of Medidata Solutions. “We value our technology partnerships and with Developer Central we are extremely proud to collaborate with innovative developers to maximize the value of our customers’ investments and further support their development goals.”
    Developers interested in the Medidata Developer Central community can apply for membership on our Web site at <> .
    For more information about Medidata Developer Central, please visit the Medidata booth at the CDISC 2008 International Interchange taking place October 26 -31 in Arlington, Va.
    About Medidata Solutions Worldwide

    Medidata Solutions ( <> ) is a leading provider of clinical trial solutions that enable the world’s most advanced life science organizations to maximize the value of their clinical research investments by putting powerful tools into researchers’ hands. A pioneer since 1999 in innovative technologies for planning and managing clinical studies – including protocol design; clinical data capture, management and reporting; and trial contracting and negotiation – Medidata Solutions and its global network of business partners address the unique needs of sponsors and sites of all sizes. With deep expertise in conducting studies across all phases and therapeutic areas, on six continents and in more than 80 countries, Medidata Solutions helps clinical researchers reduce trial cycle times, achieve early visibility to reliable clinical data, and maintain strict fiscal responsibility, while safely accelerating the process of bringing life-enhancing treatments to market.
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