January 22nd 2025
Use of decentralized approach in a Phase 1 pharmacokinetic trial shows the ability to enable remote data collection and monitoring, which could improve patient access and enhance the efficiency of clinical research.
When Should the Audit Trail Begin?
A discussion of the regulatory history behind audit trails and its interpretation as it relates to clinical research data originating or residing in EDC or eCOA systems.
The CDISC Operational Data Model: Ready to Roll?
July 1st 2004Think about how you wish to use ODM across an organization, not just within a single trial. All that needs to happen is for the same identifier to be used to denote two different studies and the data for both appear to come from the same study!
Meeting the Challenges of Internet-based Clinical Trials
June 1st 2004In the mid to late '80s, a tool called remote data entry was available which replaced double key data entry and paper case report forms (CRFs) at the clinical trial study site. When remote data entry (RDE) was used, the drug sponsor would provide a portable computer to the investigational site. The coordinator would collect study-related patient data, and then enter the data directly into the computer via the specially designed user interface of data entry screens. The electronic data would then be monitored. After data cleanup, a floppy disk with the site's data would be sent to the sponsor via an overnight courier service. These tasks would occur periodically during the course of the clinical trial.